Saturday, October 08, 2005

I'm beginning my blog by teefing. Lovely.

a bunch of stupid questions with stupid answers

What color is most reflective of you?
Green. Somewhere in between sunny yellow and

How did you get the idea for your journal/blog name?
I looked up English colloquialisms because I couldn't remember any of the literally thousands of expressions I use. I'm a dork.

What time were you born?
10:37 PM

What song are you playing now (or wish you were playing)?
"Fix You" - Coldplay. Someone told me it's a nice song, but I'm not so sure. It needs more listening.

Has the death of a celebrity ever made you cry?
Princess Diana. Don't judge me.
A celebrity almost-death made me cry - Bill Clinton.

What color underwear (or underoos, as I prefer) are you wearing?

Do you want a baby?
My baby is almost 10, and there's no way in hell I'm ever going through raising a child again.

What does your dad do for a living?
He was an account manager for a box company, but now he's dead. So, yeah.

What does your mom do for a living?
She's a self-employed consultant of many sorts. Lobbying, planning, that sort of thing.

What is your pet’s name?
Don't have one.

What color are your bedsheets?
Blue, green, orange and yellow. VERY colourful.

What are the last 3 digits of your phone number?
943...9+4+3=16...16/2=8. My number! Fate, I tell you.

What was the last concert you attended?
Professional - Matchbox 20
Friend - My friend Steve playing in a big band on the street.

Who was with you?
Heather came with me to Matchbox 20. Rather, I went with her (cause she bought the tickets).

What was the last movie you saw?
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. Interesting. Wacky. Everything you've come to expect from Wes Anderson.

Who do you dislike most at this moment?
I'll always harbour a hate for Little Mary.

Did you dream last night?
Last night was so long ago now...I don't remember. But I often have vivid dreams. Just ask Mark.

What was the last TV show you watched?
That 70's Show. I love Topher Grace with the love of 1000 blazing suns.

What is your fave piece of jewelery?
My necklace with my parents wedding rings.

What is to the left of you?
A lamp and my shopping cart. So. Lame. I should really put that cart away.

What is the last thing you ate?
A non-fat chocolate popsicle.

Write a song lyric that’s in your head:
Last Christmas, I have you my heart, and the very next day, you gave it away...
Sweet Jesus. I'm even judging myself.

Who last IMed you?
Dave. His MSN display picture is hot and I already told him so.

Where is your significant other right now?

Do you have a crush?
Oh dear god, yes.

What shampoo do you use?
When I have $$, KMS. When not, anything that'll make it clean.

When was the last time you cut your hair?
Today, actually.

What shirt are you wearing?
Long sleeve, v-neck grey ribbed GAP sweater.

What is your favorite frozen treat?
Kawartha Dairy ANYTHING!

Are you sexy?

What’s your favorite shopping store?
I quite like Kitchen Stuff Plus.

Can you imagine yourself ever getting married?
No. Mostly because I cannot imagine ever not being able to watch West Wing dvds all night without someone bitching at me.


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