Saturday, October 08, 2005

Bridget Jones v. Pride and Prejudice. Coincidence? I think not.

I mean, let's look at the details.

Bridget doesn't have great body image. Neither did Lizzie.
Bridget has a messy mother. So does Lizzie.
Bridget has a father who is largely unavailable, but helpful in the rough times. So does Lizzie.
Bridget fell in love with a snotty, yet sweet-underneath-it-all-after-having-a-big-fight Mark Darcy. Lizzie fell in love with snotty, yet sweet-underneath-it-all-after-having-a-big-fight Mr. Darcy (did he have a first name? can you imagine calling your SO "Mr" all your life? Hee!).
Uncle Geoffrey = Mr. Collins
Bridget had to go through that cad Daniel Cleaver first, who had a connection with Mark Darcy (and not a great one, may I add). Lizzie had to go through that cad Mr. Wickham first, who had a connection with Mr. Darcy (and not a great one).
There were lots of tortuous family social occasions in both BJ and P&P.

I think Helen Fielding is a bit of a rip-off artist. But I love her anyway and wish I could get her re-vitalized Bridget Jones column for free. I am Bridget and she is Me.


Blogger Dixie said...

Helen Fielding has long said that she's an admirer of Jane Austin and that she intentially put in the Pride and Prejudice simalarities. When she wrote the character of Mark Darcy she was thinking of Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy and he was the only one considered for the role of Mark Darcy when Bridget Jones was cast.

Both Bridget Jones' Diary and Pride and Prejudice are irresistable!

3:35 PM  

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