Sunday, October 09, 2005


There is something seriously wrong with the world today. Let me tell you a little story:

This morning, I woke up, had some breakfast, counted my calories and turned on my computer to do some work. I thought I'd pop by my new, shiny blog just to see if anyone loves me (i.e. left comments) and there they are! 2 comments on my Bridget Jones posting. Excitedly, I clicked on "view comments" or whatever you click on, and it was SPAM COMMENTS! What. The. Fuck. is that all about?

Have blogs just become another form of advertising? Can we not escape ads for penis enlargement, viagra, teenage trans-gendered sex and other assorted ( tripe? What is it about my blog in particular that makes the spammer think that I'd be interested in roulette? I'm hoping this is some guy in his basement playing russian roulette with his spammer friends. Assholes. I hate them.

One other thing I'm sad about this morning - 30,000 people at least have died in that crazy earthquake in Pakistan. There's no way that if there was a 7.6 earthquake in California or British Columbia, 30,000 people would be dead. More commentary on foreign policy to come in the future, but today, it's for real - people who had next to nothing on Friday have less than nothing this morning. Last I heard Canada had offered $300,000 in help. I seriously hope that Pierre Pettigrew take his head out of his ass, comes back from Paris or wherever useless place he is right now and makes a real contribution.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw those spamcomments last nite and was mad at them on your behalf! So I thought I'd leave some nice comments.

I like the blog, and I thought the Bridget Jones/Pride and Prejudice thing was really good!


6:10 PM  

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