Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Does turkey do weird stuff to people?

I'm going to say something about the thing at the Pink Palace in a minute, but first things first.

Pierre Pettigrew has returned! He appeared next to Dear Leader yesterday, bearing gifts of $20M for QuakeAid, and $1M more for the Red Cross/Red Crescent. Also, my boyfriend Bill Graham (i know, you're all thinking, wtf. wrong bill! alas, i love this bill too. even with the surprised look on his face.) has come through with the Disaster Assistance Relief Team, so that's nice. He's everyone's knight in shining armour.
  • Bill to the rescue!

  • Here's my theory: Pierre Pettigrew was out of town, likely in his Paris flat, when the Quake happened. Dear Leader thought, 'hey, we should actually say something soonish on this, so I'll peddle Dan McTeague til the hairdo returns. And since the Parliamentary Secretary is...well, a Parliamentary Secretary, he couldn't authorize anymore than $300,000, which clearly isn't enough, but is certainly something, and since we've always* done it this way before, it'll be good til the 'grew returns from vacay'. That's pure speculation, of course.

    *by "always", I mean "since the Tsunami".

    The Other Thing

    This all smells like a VRCW (Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy) to me. This whole thing made me want KD, bacon and cheese casserole tonight. The Kid was pleased, but I'm zonked enough to not care that it's not on my diet.


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