Thursday, October 13, 2005

In Which I Emerge From The Pit of Hell & Jacques Freaks Out.

I am slowly emerging from an afternoon that was clearly sent by Lucifer himself. A little history, if you please:

I was up early this morning. I don't mind so much, and in fact, I'm thinking this might become a regular Monday-Thursday occurence for me. The Kid wants to be at the daycare at 7:30 Monday through Thursday, so I think I'll oblige and spend the first hour of the day at work in relative solitude. Aaaannnnyyyway...moving right along.

At lunch, we had Swiss Chalet and said dirty words. We also had a nice litttle West Wing debate. This guy I work with calls it "Chalet Barbeque". When he first said it, I had no idea what in god's name he was speaking of. I like the way he says it. Makes me happy. I was feeling confident and happy and ready for a stellar afternoon. Then, I watched Question Period.

The opposition in Ontario is so ridiculously smug. If they were in Bridget Jones, they'd collectively be Rebecca, with a dash of Magda's screaming baby thrown in, and Bridget would call them Smug Babies. I can't believe that Bob Runciman had the nerve to get up and ask the Premier what his standards were for his government. This from the man who had to resign due to being under investigation himself, not just some name on a search warrant. Revisionist history is a wonderful thing, Bobaloo. I can't believe that Elizabeth Witmer had the chutzpah to say, "I've been a member of cabinet that have had several members resign due to investigations" (or something like that. I'm paraphrasing. Sue me.). I mean, is that supposed to CONVINCE someone of something?! I have a renewed respect for Legislative Assistants in that they haven't thrown the TVs out the window in rage on a daily basis.

The question of the day: Who leaked the warrant? Much as I don't agree with the Leader of the Opposition, I also don't believe he's an idiot, so I'm not sure why he keeps saying that he knew about the warrant at such-and-such a time when the Premier has gone on record saying he didn't know about it after. Are the people who wrote a letter to Matthew Coon-Come on the leader's behalf the same people who are giving him his talking points on this issue? Hm. VRWC, I tell you. VRWC.

Sean Conway is my new secret boyfriend. He was on 4th Reading tonight and kicked bum (particularly that belonging to Janet Ecker. Hee!). He was the first person I've heard bring up the term "leak" in this whole thing and now I love him with the love of 1000 blazing suns. I loved him with the love of 100 blazing suns before (mostly because he made me fall in love with politics all over again earlier in the summer with his political theory talk - which is on the same level as whispering sweet nothings in one's ear in my book - mixed with a nice, grey goose vodka martini-dry wit), but that love has increased tenfold. I'm jealous of his students. I am also mildly crushing on Steve Paikin for following Sean's lead on TV.

K. Jacques (a pseudonym for a friend) lost his shit today. It was somewhat entertaining. I was much more excited about posting this earlier in the evening and boring you with the details, but now that my tummy is full of chicken fried rice, I'm uncertain. Anyhoo. The wonderful woman I work with said I was a wonk today, and then made me laugh by saying "oh for god's sake" in her wonderfully unique way. High compliments.

People, I missed Commander-in-Chief on Tuesday night. Dammit.


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