Wednesday, February 01, 2006

And Now, For Something Different...

In these days of a bit of a lull in Canadian politics (well, at least until the new crew is sworn in), my thoughts have turned to their natural state of wondering what the heck is going on south of the border. My fascination with American politics remains a priority in my off-work hours and I like dreaming about a future where there is a nice, Martin Sheen-esque Democrat in the White House and a nice, Pierre Trudeau-esque PM at 24 Sussex Drive. Bring on the Philosopher Kings, I say.

Alas, seeing as how Frank McKenna has exited the Liberal Leadership race (my little heart is broken, friends), I cannot imagine my dream coming true in the near future, unless there is a person out there from whom we have not yet heard, but I believe the era of the American philosopher President is close at hand. Why, you ask? Because after the utter silliness of the era from 1980-92, and 98-2006, it's high time.

My vote goes to Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico. Governors win the Oval Office, Senators do not. It's time for the Democrats to understand this and stop making Senators their nominees. Executive experience is what is needed, not legislative.

Governor Bill (the name has a nice ring to, don't you think? Hee!) has had a pretty spectacular career. Not only was he UN Ambassador and Secretary of Energy, he has legislative experience in 14 years in Congress, all places that he has successfully pushed energy reforms and foreign policy expertise. In his home state in New Mexico (not only a swing state, but a western swing state, natch) he has produced balanced budgets, tax cuts, has pulled jobs in with an expansion in the aerospace sector and has made health and education huge priorities. He has introduced a comprehensive ethics package and enjoys a 64% approval rating.

Governor Bill, since he told the DLC that he would be seeking the nomination, has received over $8 million in contributions from a huge variety of sectors and people. As an example, he has contributions from environmentalists and defense contractors alike. The man is a real uniter, people. He's the horse to back in this race.

Maybe he'll choose Mark Warner as his running mate. Or Evan Bayh. Either one would work for me.

In any event, I think we're going to see a Democratic upsurge in the mid-terms. The State of the Union speech last night was useless and it seems like the 'Murricans are coming around.


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