Saturday, October 15, 2005

Muscle Relaxants are F. U. N.

I woke up yesterday morning with what felt like a back spasm coming on. But it never fully developed, just ached in a tiresome manner all day. After the Sick Kid and I got home and watched Because of Winn-Dixie* I decided to take a muscle relaxant, seeing has how I was in a decent amount of uncomfortability. This was at 5pm. My friend Cam phoned at 8, and the only reason I know this is because I checked my call display earlier today. I don't remember speaking to him, or if I did. The Kid did a great job of closing up the house while Mommy slept off her drugs** and went to sleep himself. I woke up around 3am, thinking it was almost morning. And my aches had returned so I did the smart and necessary thing and took a second pill. I didn't wake up til 11 this morning. So I got 18 hours of sleep last night and I find that impressive.

I'm still feeling a little wonky and the aches have returned. Boo to the Hiss.

*don't judge me. it has Dave Matthews in it, and how bad can a movie with Dave Matthews in it be. I'm sure you're wondering why he's not my boyfriend. I saw him in concert a few years ago, and later that night, his wife had twin girls. He needs to be a good husband and not cheat on his wife who has twin girls to deal with. Plus, the Kid was sick, so it had to be done.

**what's that knock at my door? Must be CAS.

In Other News...

This bird flu thing is freaking me out a bit. This is how things like the HIV epidemic get started. In 1980-something, some monkey in Africa had it, and now it's killing millions every year. I can see how the bird flu thing will affect us such that we'll all be wearing mouth condoms so as not to accidentally spittle on one another.

StarFlix, my online video rental company, doesn't have The Way We Were. WTF. I might just have to go and pay my late fees at Bruce's store (Movies 4 U on Yonge St. Maybe a plug will wash away my late fee ills?) so that I can rent this movie. I've never seen it before, and that situation needs rectifying posthaste. More about StarFlix: I've had Apocalypse Now Redux on top of my dvd player for weeks, but Mark Darcy isn't getting the hint that I want him to be my movie buddy for this one. I'm a bit scared of it.

Speaking of movies, there's like a zillion that I want to see that are On Demand, and I try to keep myself from ordering them up (The Upside of Anger among others) because they're on the Mark Darcy-Movie-Night list. And he gave me pretend hell for watching In Good Company without him such that I felt guilty for a week afterward and still feel a twinge of the guilt whenever I see Topher Grace. *sigh*. If he re-negs on going with me to see Derailed, I'm going to order all the movies that are on the Mark Darcy list and watch them all in one night***.

***which will likely just make him laugh and say, "I've seen all those movies before, but was indulging you, silly girl!".

I don't want to cook tonight. Lalalalalala. I think that's about it.


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