Sunday, October 16, 2005

Chicken Lasagne

That's what I'm making for dinner tonight. Neat, eh? I'm hoping it'll feed us tonight, tomorrow and possibly Wednesday.

My last word on muscle relaxants:
I will never* take one again unless I have a full 24 hours for which to recover. The hangover was worse than with booze.

*and by "never", I mean "until the next time I feel a muscular twinge".

OH! I caught a repeat of Commander-in-Chief last night. I can tell that I'm going to a) bring Kyle Secor into my harem of boyfriends (I've loved him since Homicide: Life on the Street, for real!) and b) hate the daughter. She's a full-on snot. If I ever met a perosn like that in real life, I'd say, "helloo! your mother is PRESIDENT! That means you do what you're told for a while. She's BUSY!".

West Wing is on tonight. I wonder what kind of new hell this week will bring? *sigh* If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different outcome, then, my friends, I am batshit crazy. Every week I expect a glimmer of Sorkin's West Wing, but am sadly disappointed each time.

Last night, I phoned Mark Darcy. We had a nice conversation. He asked me if I was going to post all the silly things that he's done that I tell people about, and that then make people think I'm insane for ever talking to him. Personally, I find the stories to be funny and almost heartwarming, mostly because I know Mark Darcy has a good heart and whatever bad stuff he does is either a) out of humour or b) out of good intentions that somehow go awry. You can see the parallels to Bridget Jones' Mark Darcy now, I'm sure. Just keep that in mind if I ever do post about those things, and know that it all works out in the end*.

*I don't know if it all works out in the end or not. I just said that because it makes people feel better.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We want to know more about the mysterious "Mark Darcy" and his silly antics.

2:21 PM  
Blogger WitMistress said...

You're a silly antic!

2:28 PM  

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