Sunday, November 27, 2005

More of the same...

Sorry it's been so long, but I've had a crazy month and haven't felt much inspiration to write. But I need to catch up on lost time with one of my favourite subjects - the disappearance of Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs Pierre Pettigrew. Where the hell is he?

Two things have happened over the last week - one goofy, one very serious - that have called for the appearance of the hairdo.

1. Fiddy is coming to Canada. Since he has a criminal record, he needs, like Martha Stewart, a Ministers visa to come. Granted, the visa needs to come from Joe Volpe, but there was Dan McTeague in all his glory, ranting away about how Fiddy shouldn't be allowed to come to Toronto, especially given his history of gun violence and his malevolent message to youth in urban areas such as Toronto - which has experienced a rash of gun violence recently. Dan McTeague. Again. SIGH.

Now I personally am not on board with letting this guy come in and preach his nasty message, but given our propensity for free speech, what's a country to do? FEH.

2. 2 Canadians have been kidnapped in Iraq. I could go on for hours about Iraq, but I'll spare you the rant.

Quiz time: Who gave the reaction from Ottawa?

If you guessed Pierre Pettigrew, you'd be dead wrong. Once again, McTeague was front and centre.

This is a very serious situation to which Canadians will not react well. And in these situations, it should be the Minister out front, with the Prime Minister likely, NOT the parliamentary secretary. I bet he's in Paris. Again.

At this point I just hope the two workers will be released safely, but I doubt it. Again, SIGH.

In other non-news...

We saw Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire yesterday. It was a good movie - better than expected. Well done, kids.

I need to read the next installment of the Potter series, but Mark Darcy has cut off my supply and thus I am on my own. It's marginally my own fault as I had about 4 books on the go at the time Potter 6 was offered, but still. Since I'm a girl, I think that once things are offered, it should stand until I'm ready to accept. I'm fairly sure Mark Darcy would disagree. Hee!

My pal Laura and I saw Pride and Prejudice a week ago and I thought it was terrif. She would say otherwise (she's a Pride and Prejudice traditionalist - I don't think any re-make could live up to the BBC version for her), but I think they did what they could in a two hour movie. THey got all the important parts in, and Mr. Darcy was just as brooding and sexy as he was supposed to be. And after all, that's the most pertinent part, n'est-ce pas?

Also saw Walk the Line last week. Very well done, and I have downloaded some Johnny Cash tunes since I saw it. This was entirely unexpected.

I made Mark Darcy promise to see Derailed with me, but he is re-negging due to lukewarm reviews. WTF?! Who DOES that? I see movies I want to see, not ones that are approved by some guy who has nothing better to do than to watch movies all day. I think I'll be letting him off the hook, but not without some commentary, of course. Heh.

Other non-news was almost 100% movie-related. I think I've seen more movies over the last 2 weeks in the thee-ay-ter than I've seen in that last year. Fun!