Wednesday, March 15, 2006


I have a plethora of news. I'm jsut going to stick it all in one post and be done with it.

First, Josh and Donna kissed on the West Wing!!! !!! !!! Finally. And it was a good one too. Remember how a few months ago I said the only reason a lot of fans hung on to the West Wing after Rob Lowe left was because they wanted to see Josh and Donna hook up? I think Tommy Schlamme reads my blog because not only did they kiss, but SAM is coming back for the last few episodes! Eeeee! So of course I downloaded the episode and look forward to watching in full later tonight.

Dave Matthews and Bon Jovi are going to be on the West Wing this week. Tune in!

I keep looking at condo floor plans without having paid off nearly enough of my student loans to do so, nor will I be able to get a mortgage until I a) double my income or b) pay off my loans. It's just that simlpe, but I like to imagine Kid and me in a place that we OWN.

Blueberries are not in season. I found out the hard way. Try pineapple instead.

5 days til Kenora and 13 days til Florida!

I cannot extoll the virtues of Natalie Dee enough. If you haven't already looked at, I insist you do so right now. Please and thank you.

I found Woah. That's all I can say about that.

That's it.


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