Tuesday, March 07, 2006

I Can *Almost* Die Happy.

I went to the Heritage Dinner last week. I have a new list.

Dalton - he's just. so. good.
Bill Graham - I shook hands with him swoon and he's a very nice man. And I think he's doing pretty well as leader of the opposition.
Stephane Dion - I know. Who knew.
Ken Dryden - he was THE man to see. I'd bet dollars to donuts that he'll go for the leadership.
Staffers - free booze!

Belinda. She was c-o-l-d.

In other news...
Warren Kinsella met Bill Clinton. If I met Bill Clinton, I would be well on my way. I'm very jealous of said meeting and if I had a million dollars, I'd follow Bill around the world. I suppose it'll have to be enough that I have my talking Bill doll and am awaiting my "viva la Bubba!" t-shirt. I wish Bill would come to my house. Sigh

The Oscars were terrific the other night. I had a good time watching, Jon Stewart was pretty good (that's a tough crowd. Yeesh.) and there were no horrifying dresses or suits. I was on board with 95% of the awards (I thought Joaquin should've won, but I digress) and I was warm in my bed with flannel sheets. A good night, indeed.

Oh! I went canvassing for Ben Chin (Toronto-Danforth) on the weekend. Ben is a terrific guy and if you live in Toronto-Danforth, you should vote for him. Having worked in the Premier's Office, he has an intimate knowledge of how things work around QP and he's had ample time to learn what it takes to be an MPP in government. He'll do a much better job for his constituents as a governing MPP than Marilyn Churley ever could've, and I expect that sooner rather than later he'll have a place at the big table.

Whilst out knocking on doors, I took a big tumble and I have a big bruise on my bottom. To the guy who had a patch of ice on his driveway - dood, you put the salt on before people fall, not after! Grrr!

Back to reading. That's it for now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I took a big tumble and I have a big bruise on my bottom. To the guy who had a patch of ice on his driveway - dood, you put the salt on before people fall, not after! Grrr!"

I tried to help you up, but you sprang too quickly.


1:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't disagree with you more about who the folks in Toronto-Danforth should vote, and your reasoning.
Being close to the Premier means that it will be very tough for Mr. chin to stand up for issues that are wrong for Toronto and wrong for the community. For instance, the huge powerplant on the waterfront in Toronto-Danforth. It is on brand new land right next to a definct powerplant. Why is Mr. Chin pushing for $'s for conservation, renewable energy sources?
Toronto needs a voice, not the Premier patsy.


11:15 PM  

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