Saturday, April 08, 2006

I Have a Problem.

There's a choice I'll likely need to make sometime soon and I don't want to. It's one of those things where your head and gut are in agreeance (shocker!) but there's this little part of you that just. can't. quite. get there. I'm thinking about it fairly constantly these days, even while I was on vacation in the sunny south, and it's frustrating and giving me butterflies and with the outcome so uncertain...gah. I resolve to not worry about it until it comes time to choose. yeah right.

Anyway, I had a nice vacation and am now back with a vengeance. I am trying to keep up with the number of people running for the Federal Liberal Leadership when really, I just wish that Bill Graham would stay put until Justin Trudeau realizes his destiny. I am beginning to get interested in Michael Ignatieff and am glad that Belinda (cold fish) Stronach is staying out of it, as it Scott Brison so far.

I have to ask - what in God's name is John Godfrey thinking? He's not going to win and he has to kn0w it. He's got next to no personality and I think we need him in a room developing social and economic ideas that can be put into practice and sold by a really great leader like Justin Trudeau (who is my first and foremost secret boyfriend). Why would he take good money out of good people's hands in order to lose? Let them put their bucks behind a winner, and John, please. You're so ridiculously smart. You've got a huge, liberal brain and I need you to use it and whatever influence you have left to convince the party machine that truly liberal ideas are what's needed to rebuild the party. Be the right-hand man to our next philosopher king (obviously Ignatieff) in order to debate with him and soften and mould his basic ideas. And groom young Trudeau with debate over espresso on an Old Montreal cafe patio.

Closer to home, I really wish Gerard Kennedy had stayed put. I don't think he can match wits with Ignatieff. He would be a terrific Premier post-Dalton who I love and hope never retires.

In Other News...

We had a terrific vacation. And I had a lovely time in Kenora/Thunder Bay before we went down south. I'm really looking forward to Monday and getting back to the grind. I bought two new purses south of the border and a very ironic mug in DC-Reagan airport.

I also gave Mark Darcy who has greatly improved in my estimation in that last 3 months his birthday present last night - The Film Snob's Dictionary. Man, does he ever know how to accept a gift! Compliments abound and reading the book with interest for 1/2 an hour after. I love giving more than getting, I think. We watched Adaptation, which was on the Big List and I was greatly looking forward to, but really, it was garbage. I didn't like it and almost fell asleep about 2/3 of the way through. It's a movie that should coming with a boring warning.

It's 9:54pm on a Saturday night and here I sit. I'm a geek and resolve to go and do something cool before I go to bed.

Oh. My cute little 9 year-old neighbour is learning how to make balloon animals and she brought me a fish. But it's not just any fish, it looks like one of those Jesus fish. Hee!

Tra la, that's it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the "tough choice":
Hmmm, good luck with this tough decision – whatever it may be

On John Godfrey's leadership campaign:
Interesting perspective. He knows he has an uphill battle being from Toronto, being a Municipalities focused Cabinet Minister, going up against the Iggy juggernaut, etc. In reading the political pundits’ views on the leadership contenders, many are thinking along the same lines as you. Where no one doubts that John has the intellectual capacity to lead, rather it’s about his leadership style and charisma, or lack there of.

On Kennedy
People are saying he’s a contender, top 3 even.


9:58 AM  

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