Thursday, May 11, 2006

I'm Not Ready Yet.

I'm not ready to talk about the leadership. I've had a number of people ask me when I'm going to post about the leadership and I've been dreading it. This morning I finally realized why - I simply don't know enough about many of the candidates to comment. The only thing that I could comment on would be their pasts and what I want to know is what they're going to do for my future. I don't care that Bob Rae was an NDP Premier. I don't care that Michael Ignatieff spent 30 years out of country. I don't care that Carolyn Bennett only got so far as a Minister Responsible and I really don't care that Martha Hall-Findlay lost to Belinda. Those things aren't important.

I'm a thorough believer in changing your mind. I'm a believer in coming to your senses after years of being in the dark. I'm a believer in one person being able to bring you to their side with a strong argument. I don't think that your core philosophy or outlook on life in general changes much after you get educated, but there are many choices within Liberalism or in whatever political philosophy you subscribe. Therefore, I don't have a hard time with Bob Rae having gotten a little older, a little wiser, a little more experienced and with some terrificly smart staff, he's got some good ideas (although he should ban the word "Munich" from his lexicon). I don't have a hard time with a guy who has spent 30 years in the lonely world of academia seeing the light and realizing that in the real world, academic ideas don't always apply, and that it's easy to believe in something when you're an academic, but it's much harder to sell those ideas to the mediocre masses. You see what I'm saying?

I am not yet knowledgeable enough to intelligently comment on our 10 leadership aspirants, other than to say I'm super-glad John Godfrey bailed, and that I'm willing to give them all an equal chance to bring me to their table. This leadership process should be as wide open as it is. We need the debate in order to renew. We need to come to agree on a core philosophy again and the only way to do that is with as much debate as we can possibly stomach. Ideas need fleshing out and whoever has the best ideas should win.

In Other News...

I am utterly, totally and inconsolably devastated at two pieces of news from our neighbours to the South.

First, this morning's story on the NSA creating a database of American domestic phone calls is nothing less than horrifying. has come excellent analysis, but for a balanced report, I'd check out
MSNBC. I know, it's a more conservative source, but I think it's a good one for this. How Americans haven't taken to the streets, I'll never know. If I found out that someone was putting my calls into a database, I'd totally lose my shit and would stage many, many protests.

The other thing is that the West Wing is ending on Sunday. The entire cast was on Ellen this morning and I will thoroughly miss the show. I will endeavour to complete my collection of West Wing dvds, and will watch them faithfully. I will also give Aaron Sorkin's new show more than a passing interest. Sunday nights will never be the same. Thanks for the memories, guys.

I don't have much to say other than that. Well, I do, but it's not public info. Heh. That's it!


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