Thursday, February 02, 2006

Breaking News!

PEOPLE! I just read that my pal Aaron Sorkin hopefully he's still on shroomies! is coming back to write the episode of The West Wing that will deal with Leo having taken a big dirt nap. I don't have info as to whether or not Leo will swim with the fishes in the episode, though.

I'm sad about John Spencer being dead. I totally thought he and that cute little blonde girl were going to hook up. Now that would've been something to see.

In other news...
There is a lobbyist who constantly calls. I'm sick of it and wish he'd leave me alone. I can do no more for his client who would be better off without him, frankly and am tired of saying the same thing over and over again.

I still want to see "Derailed". I know. Shocker. I haven't seen it yet. Mark Darcy has yet to redeem himself in my estimation - how can one have respect for someone who chooses movies based on reviews and then bails when he doesn't think he'll like it? I thus become more Elizabeth Bennet-like every day.Except in reverse. I become more prejudiced as time goes on vis a vis Mark Darcy instead of the proper way. Feh.

At lunch we were talking about Valentine's Day, and I said that I think we should distribute cards at the office. Especially those fun Anne Taintor ones (note to self: don't forget to pick up an Anne Taintor 2006 daybook) or the Law and Order ones. Then someone asked if I celebrated Valentine's Day in my real life. My response: "I would!". Everyone laughed and I got a bit depressed.

It smells like rataouille in the office because someone had it for lunch. It reminds me of when my dad used to make rataouille for dinner. Now, I never liked the zucchini part, but was totally on board with the cheese and tomato and onion part, and now all I can think of is how I wish Dad was around to make me rataouille again. 7 years on the 7th. That must mean something. This time I'd eat the zucchini.

Sadness...dit-moi. Q'est-ce-que tu veut chercher...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not one for ratatouille, but I think its sweet that you are reminded of your dad by the smell of it.

Its tough to be around those kind of annis, but know that you have come on strong since that loss and though I never met him, I'm pretty sure he's happy with the person you've become and are becoming.

2:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

***huge hugs***
totally in tears here.

Im so lucky. And whenever you say something about your dad it reminds me to think about something about my dad that I love.

Are you going to JP on the 7th? Maybe you should call me, we could borrow a car and go, smoke ciggarettes and chat. In fact, I bet Wendy would drive. Call me ok?


12:46 AM  

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