Wednesday, March 15, 2006


I have a plethora of news. I'm jsut going to stick it all in one post and be done with it.

First, Josh and Donna kissed on the West Wing!!! !!! !!! Finally. And it was a good one too. Remember how a few months ago I said the only reason a lot of fans hung on to the West Wing after Rob Lowe left was because they wanted to see Josh and Donna hook up? I think Tommy Schlamme reads my blog because not only did they kiss, but SAM is coming back for the last few episodes! Eeeee! So of course I downloaded the episode and look forward to watching in full later tonight.

Dave Matthews and Bon Jovi are going to be on the West Wing this week. Tune in!

I keep looking at condo floor plans without having paid off nearly enough of my student loans to do so, nor will I be able to get a mortgage until I a) double my income or b) pay off my loans. It's just that simlpe, but I like to imagine Kid and me in a place that we OWN.

Blueberries are not in season. I found out the hard way. Try pineapple instead.

5 days til Kenora and 13 days til Florida!

I cannot extoll the virtues of Natalie Dee enough. If you haven't already looked at, I insist you do so right now. Please and thank you.

I found Woah. That's all I can say about that.

That's it.

Monday, March 13, 2006

The Opposition.

I love it when Dippers and Tories get involved. They think they know everything. Some random guy (wouldn't even leave his name) - well, I assume it was a guy - posted a comment about how I think Ben Chin is the right choice for Toronto Danforth. He said that because of the proposed new energy plant in the port lands, Ben Chin shouldn't win. He also said that he would be a "patsy" to the Premier because Ben worked for him for a few months.

I don't know if he's a Tory or a Dipper, but I assume he's a Dipper. Why? Because he brought up their two talking points. They have nothing else on Ben (aside from "Chin" not being Korean enough for them) and so they bring up these two issues. Let me address them.

First off, in case anyone didn't know, Toronto is going to run out of energy. We don't have enough to accomodate the amount of growth we're expecting, especially in the downtown core. Yes, there is a defunct plant already in the port, but it's DEFUNCT. We need a new plant that will produce the energy we need more efficiently and in a greener way. The old plant should be torn down and new one built to suit the needs of a more environmentally friendly and energy hungry population. Why this is a problem, I don't know. Maybe there's a fiscal argument somewhere, but I can't imagine the tax-and-spend dippers having an issue with that and for the Tories, well, we're in the homestretch of balancing a budget they they lied about being in deficit, so I don't think they're anywhere near qualified to make that argument.

As for Ben's nasty past as a staffer for the Premier - he was a communications advisor for a few months, mostly to get him acquainted with the ways of Queen's Park and to get him ready for the run. Now listen - it's important that you pay close attention to this, oh anonymous commenter: Ben is a Liberal. Shocker! Him having had experience at Queen's Park, for the governing party, can only be good for the residents of Toronto-Danforth. Too long they have been voiceless in government - almost 11 years without government representation, and for such an integral part of Toronto - it's time that they had someone who knows the riding (Ben has lived there for eons) and who has the confidence of their consituents. Going door-to-door has shown me and many colleagues that Ben has cross-party support simply because he has dignity, integrity and clearly, the ear of the Premier. Since when is that a bad thing for a riding? Ben chose to be a Liberal, and he's going to win on the Liberal platform. If that's the criteria required to make you a patsy for the Premier, well, then I suppose you could call the entire government, at any time in history (including under Bob Rae and Mike Harris) a patsy for their Premier.

Anonymous commenter - if you want to have a real debate about Ben Chin, you'll need to come up with something more than how Toronto needs more green energy and how he's a Liberal with multi-party, multi-class, multi-ethnic support, mmmkay?

In Other News...

I'm going waaaaay up north next week. Then, the week after that, I'm going waaaay down south. I'm a globe-trotter!

Nothing much else happening. Just chillin' and grillin' as my friend and yours (if you have a bar-b-que) Bobby Flay would say.

That's it.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

I Can *Almost* Die Happy.

I went to the Heritage Dinner last week. I have a new list.

Dalton - he's just. so. good.
Bill Graham - I shook hands with him swoon and he's a very nice man. And I think he's doing pretty well as leader of the opposition.
Stephane Dion - I know. Who knew.
Ken Dryden - he was THE man to see. I'd bet dollars to donuts that he'll go for the leadership.
Staffers - free booze!

Belinda. She was c-o-l-d.

In other news...
Warren Kinsella met Bill Clinton. If I met Bill Clinton, I would be well on my way. I'm very jealous of said meeting and if I had a million dollars, I'd follow Bill around the world. I suppose it'll have to be enough that I have my talking Bill doll and am awaiting my "viva la Bubba!" t-shirt. I wish Bill would come to my house. Sigh

The Oscars were terrific the other night. I had a good time watching, Jon Stewart was pretty good (that's a tough crowd. Yeesh.) and there were no horrifying dresses or suits. I was on board with 95% of the awards (I thought Joaquin should've won, but I digress) and I was warm in my bed with flannel sheets. A good night, indeed.

Oh! I went canvassing for Ben Chin (Toronto-Danforth) on the weekend. Ben is a terrific guy and if you live in Toronto-Danforth, you should vote for him. Having worked in the Premier's Office, he has an intimate knowledge of how things work around QP and he's had ample time to learn what it takes to be an MPP in government. He'll do a much better job for his constituents as a governing MPP than Marilyn Churley ever could've, and I expect that sooner rather than later he'll have a place at the big table.

Whilst out knocking on doors, I took a big tumble and I have a big bruise on my bottom. To the guy who had a patch of ice on his driveway - dood, you put the salt on before people fall, not after! Grrr!

Back to reading. That's it for now.