Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The Beginning

I have to say that I'm generally not a fan of beginnings.
This "why?" of this statement clearly requires a list, so here it is...

1. Beginning a new relationship
You have to get to know a whole new person, and that person has to get to know you. Everyone finds their quirks embarassing or awkward, and the fact that I don't like olives much can be a deal breaker - as in, "oh, she's picky" or something when really, I'm not picky, I just don't like olives. You have to meet the friends, the family and get the once over by the new person's dog or cat or squirrel or whatever. You have to show the new person where you put your drinking glasses and where the cutlery is and where the extra TP is stored. You have to say "mi casa es su casa" or something equally lame. You have to tell the new person which side of the bed you sleep on, and hope it meshes with them. You have to figure out how you're going to sit when watching movies from now on.

Relationships are lovely, but the beginning part blows. The butterflies, the waiting on the phone...feh.

2. Kid beginnings
The Kid got on the Yonge bus by himself this morning out of sheer necessity. He did a fantastic job and I'm glad I can trust him, but it was terrifying and now I'm thinking this is beginning of the rest of my life where eventually babysitters won't be required and in a few years I can leave him for a weekend.

Point is that he's at the beginning of being an adolescent and that's scary.

3. Job beginnings
You know that awkward first few weeks when you're on your best behaviour, trying to prove your competence when really you have no idea what's going on? That sucks. Oh, and the getting to know people in the office part. Ugh.

4. New government beginnings
The pundits call it a honeymoon, but for the Harper crew, I think it's more of a divorce from real Canadian centrism. They're all fired up for the first 100 days, which is when they think they can do the most without consequences, and all hell is going to break loose. I dread it.

That's pretty much it for now, but suffice it to say, I don't like beginnings. I like being comfortably enmeshed in the middle of something.

In Other News...
My voice has returned. Yay!

I am excited about my lunch. Yay!

It's cold outside. Boo!

But at least it's sunny. Yay!

I think everyone should look at Natalie Dee's drawings. Go to www.nataliedee.com and check her out. My favourites so far are "boxes for dummies" and "owl-pelican-chicken" (for bird flu enthusiasts).


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