Monday, February 06, 2006

I Don't Have a Voice

Literally and Figuratively.

I seem to have laryngitis. Not being able to talk is a bad thing in my profession. However, due to my health craze, I'm certain that this could've changed into something more painful and intense, but has not due to my well-hydrated and healthily-fed self. Fingers remain crossed as I cannot afford to take a sick day.

Stephen Harper is now officially Prime Minister. He put an unelected person in at Public Works (oh, the irony...) and a man who just was elected as a Liberal and then decided he liked Conservatives better in at International Trade. This man is the face of our country on trade matters, people. Think softwood. Think BSE. Border control. Ugh.

Harris Conservatives have done well for themselves (Finance and Treasury Board) in this cabinet and it just goes to show that the Liberal campaign ads suggesting that a Stephen Harper government would be just like the CSR weren't wrong. Two guys who led the Ontario budget into deficit and then said there was no such thing are now in charge of Canada's purse strings. Lovely.

Centrist and left-of-Centre Canadians (who make up a big majority) will have no voice in this parliament. Harper will use policy statements and non-legislative tools to push his agenda. I was hoping for a glimmer of hope in this cabinet. What I got was a lens to the future. And it is dark.

In Other News...

Yay Steelers! I'm so glad they won. I have a theory - you have to root for the team that beat your team, and since the Steelers beat my Broncs, I was on board with the Terrible Towel Train! how's that for alliteration.

A Big Shout Out...

To everyone who has helped me in so many different ways during this time.

To David, Mark, Liz and Laura - thank you for taking the Kid on so many fun adventures while I've been needed elsewhere. I do not know how I can ever repay your graciousness.

To Cam & Terry - for checking in all the time and for entertaining me.

To Alison - for being a rock. I adore you.

To Dave - for being there when I've called for you. You've never disappointed.

I love you all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


No problems

11:18 AM  

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