Monday, February 13, 2006


I gave myself several treats this weekend. On Saturday morning, I went and got a manicure. I've never had one before, so this was a new experience. If I won the lottery and had $22 to spend each week on a manicure, I would. In fact, I'd spend it every day. A long time I ago I either read or heard that people look at other people's fingernails to determine if the lookee knows how to take care of details. If that's true then you would all judge me the most detailed person in the world. Heh.

In other detail news, I was with Big G on Saturday night and took care of the little things for him - washed his head, moisturized his poor self and generally administered excellent sisterly nursing care. If it weren't for the poop, I could see myself as a nurse.

All the kidlets and I went to see Curious George on Sunday. It was too cute. I now cannot decide if I want a) a baby panda, b) a baby giraffe, c) a koala bear, d) a baby polar bear or e) a baby monkey to come and live with me in my house. If I had it my way, I'd have a menagerie!

The Olympics are making me emotional. When Jen Heil won the gold, I was so personally invested in the situation. It's not like I know her or something, but I had invested a good 2 hours of prime Saturday time watching her ski and felt that a gold medal was a just reward for both of us. I also wept a little for Beckie Scott and Cindy Klassen. Pull it together for the next one, girls. You're forgiven-like-Perdita.

Turns out that the French guy who won the men's downhill (so. exciting!!!) is from this tiny little town called Morillon that I visited when I was in France many moons ago. Thus, we have a personal connection. I was sad about Bode Miller not winning anything in the downhill, mostly because he's country-like-McConaughey-and-lives-in-an-RV-even-in-Torino.

Oh, and the American guy, Chad (rolleyes) something-or-other who won the cross-country or snow-shoeing or whatever? HOTT. Even if he didn't know the words to his own national anthem.

The Canadian hockey chix (I think they'd like to be called chix with an "x". If you've ever read Microserfs by Douglas Coupland, you'll know why) are kicking bum and catching flak for not letting other teams score. WTF. Winning is where it's at. People who think it's unsportsmanlike to play as well as you possibly can should seriously re-think what SPORTS are. I have a tiny girl crush on Cassie Campbell. Her hair is really extraordinary.

What's that? Politics, you say?
I got nothin'. The Feds are morons and I can't comment.


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