Thursday, February 09, 2006

Mad as Hell and Not Going to Take It Anymore

This whole David Emerson really gets my goat.

Everyone knows the backstory, but in a nutshell, the guy staunchly defended the Liberal platform in the last election, got elected and then turned Conservative for a Cabinet post. And not just any Cabinet post, but International Trade - a step up from his former post in the Martin Cabinet as Minister of Industry.

So I was reading the Toronto Star this morning I heartily read the Star. Uncle Bob is a big shot editor there and he's nice. So I read. and lo, there's a story by Jim Travers about how there was a negotiated, behind the scenes settlement for the Softwood Lumber issue that was NOT signed or released before the election for political reasons. Emerson apparently had suggested it not be released due to the electoral calendar and that it would be a win for the Liberals when they were returned to office.

2 Things:
1. The Liberals didn't get returned to office. Therefore, the mediocrity of the masses theory will mean that Stephen Harper and surprise! David Emerson will get the credit for the win and, perhaps more importantly...
2. Travers reports that it's a multi-billion dollar settlement. Signing the damn thing and beginning it's implementation would've been a) a win for the Libs (with the possible result being more seats in rural/northern Ontario and BC) and b) a win for the thousands of people who have been put out of work by this crisis and the companies, more of which are folding with each passing month.

The whole thing makes me want to yak.

In Other News...

I got 10 hours of sleep last night thank you Ny-Quil! and am rrrrrarrrrin' to go!

I have a long to-do list and instead of plodding through it, I stare at it, hoping it will miraculously go away. Fat Chance.

I think everyone in Southern Ontario should have a look at the Places to Grow plan, produced by the Ministry of Public Infrastructure Renewal. It's really a piece of genius, folks.

I found out this morning that the Toronto Public Library System is one-third again the size of the Library system in Queens, NY, which is the busiest system in the world. With 99 branches, the TPL is the largest on the planet. Isn't that neat?! I think they need more money ot have beeter operating hours.

I also found out last night that TTC fares are going up across the board due to a $16M shortfall. I think the Premier should find the $16M, give it to them as added gas tax money and call it a day and not force Torontonians to pay more for shoddy service. It would be a nice thing to do. If you can give drivers HOV lanes, you can come up with $16 mil for those of us who toil in transit every day, all in the name of cleaner air. We're holding up our end, Big D, you do your part.

Lalalalalala, I think that's it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree, and I drive. I want to use transit more than I do (whenever I go South of Bloor) but won't because the parking costs are coming in at around the same as the transit, and I get to listen to my tunes on my stereo (oh, and its convenient).

Not only should the prov. top it up, but wouldn't it be great if Harper and the boys (+ Rona) go ahead and give the GST credit (1% this year) to transit community. Think that might increase the CONS votes in urban areas much?

2:39 PM  

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