Friday, February 24, 2006

Other People's Blogs

I admit it, I'm nosy about other blogs. This voyeuristic tendency to go and read other people's thoughts, even though they are complete strangers, somehow makes a connection between reader and diarist that transcends time and space. The weird part is that only one person knows of the connection - unless the reader leaves a comment which I don't on a regular basis. As an online diarist, I am constantly amazed that people who read my blog think to leave comments. At that point, there's a two-way connection instead of the one way street that is reading someone else's blog.

Other people write seriously about their own lives. I've read weight loss blogs, love life blogs, everyday life blogs, "hey look at me and my pet" blogs, welcome-to-my-fetish's a crazy blogging world out there. I was just looking at this girl's blog and she posted an MSN/AOL/Instant Messenger conversation between her and her boyfriend, pressuring him for a date as to when they would get married. He was plainly saying he wasn't ready, he's only 23, and at least he's self-aware enough to do so. So they broke up. Right there in that conversation! Posted on her blog! They got back together a few weeks later, but if I were him, I'd be SUPER pissed about having a very emotional conversation posted on the 'net. Leaving aside that the conversation should've happened in person, or at least over the phone, it's incredibly personal and I felt like I was invading his privacy more than hers.

End result? I need to stop reading random blogs. It freaks me out a bit too much.

In Other News...
I don't have much more to say.

Oh, to respond to Lucky's comment about whether heartbreak music or heartbreak came first (out of the movie High Fidelity - everyone should see it. Awesome.) I would think that heartbreak came first. People write music about their experiences, so clearly the experience would have to precede the music. In my experience, break-ups don't happen because of a song. As for whether music makes a perosn sad or if an already sad person gravitates toward sad music...I don't know. If I'm not feeling so hot, I'm probably more likely to listen to something melancholy, but I also will put on angry or more upbeat music. Totally depends. But the sad comes first. If I'm generally happy and a sad song comes on, I may feel a bit winsome for a moment or two, but music doesn't derail happiness for me.

It's Friday. Rejoice!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with your assessment of the Music vs. Misery in the broader context. Where the emotional rollercoaster inspired the, and I use this term loosely, “artists” to write songs about it. However, my interpreta

3:38 PM  

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