Wednesday, February 15, 2006

To Do List

I am a list-y person. I make lists. I get this from my mother, and my pal Laura constantly makes fun of my lists, but then goes and makes them herself. A good list makes life so much easier.

Today's To-Do List:

1. Deal with Global Warming.
I am enjoying the warmer winter as much as the next guy who's not a fan of the season, but seriously - there is something really wrong. I would call myself a practical environmentalist*. So when I arrived this morning, I was given a task that could have implications for how we deal with climate change. I was having a garbage morning, and so after seeing some super cute photos of an adorable one year old, changing the course of our response to climate change was just the ticket. The letter that was part of the package said, "Debate Over. It's Time to Save the Planet". I wonder if Mr. Harper and Ms. Ambrose are listening...

2. Go to a meeting about some kind of partridge.
The possibilities for fun are ENDLESS. I'm sure it will be about saving the bird and thus item #2 goes hand in hand with item #1.

3. Complete House Question.
This HAS to be done! I've been procrastinating too long.

4. Phone Laura for lunch.
It's Wednesday! *ties string around finger so as not to forget*

5. Michael Wilson
Today I'm going to try to not freak out too hard about Michael Wilson possibly being the next Ambassador to the US. It's ironic that Harper would choose a guy who brought IN the GST to be the most high profile appointee of this Administration. I mean, considering that Harper wants to CUT the GST...this shows a lack of commitment to me. Harper is obviously willing to throw out his ideals for patronage, and this culture of entitlement has obviously permeated ALL parties. I have no faith. I think I need to spend some time in the depths of federal political despair before figuring out what should be done next. I don't think I even have any solid ideas right now. Sigh.

6. Try not to swear as much.
My mum complimented me on my blog with the caveat that I swear too much. Therefore, I will try to not cuss. Let's see how long it lasts...ready, set, GO!

*Practical environmentalism = being protective of and concerned about the environment to a large extent personally but also realizing that the majority of the population doesn't want to relieve their dependence on fossil fuels. Understanding that this is an uphill battle, it means being supportive of solutions that are long-term and practical in nature so as to achieve larger goals.

In Other News...
My kid didn't make me a valentine yesterday and I was crushed. I got offered some chocolate kisses yesterday not the dirty kind. Phooey! and didn't accept because my pants were too big and that was nice. However, I arrived at the office this morning to find a lovely wee giftie, of the e-mail sort, from a dear man who made me feel better. Oh, and did you know that Valentine's Day isn't a made-up holiday? It's history actually goes back thousands of years. I learned that on Gilmore Girls last night and we all know that Rory doesn't lie.

The Olympics have really geared up. Our Hockey Chix are really going at it YAY! and I have to give a slap on the back to Beckie Scott. The girl really came through with her partner in yesterday's cross-country and got a silver. Atta girl!

In men's figure staking (not finger painting!), Canadian men are lost in the wilderness. Although I think this new cat, Shawn Sawyer, could really be something one day, I'm terribly disappointed in Jeffrey Buttle (choker) and Emmanuel Sandhu. The latter is such a head case and is so ridiculously inconsistent I don't know how e gets on the team anymore. Where are our Kurt Brownings and Elvis Stojkos?

In skiing, my pal Bode was DQ'd and thus some other American won the combined. I'm so diappointed for Bode. He was doing so well. I just love him because he's such a nice combination of country and rock 'n roll. He's not one of those frozen Norwegians who dno't smile. He's got character!

Re: The Western Standard Cartoon Debacle:

I'm getting very tired of having to walk on eggshells around fundamentalists. I don't care if you're Muslim, Christian or MARTIAN, I cannot abide fundamentalism. Reactivity does not promote being taken seriously, people. In this particular case - If you want to change how people view your religion and the people who practice it, then do it peacefully, STOP KILLING OTHER PEOPLE and freaking out like you've just spent a month on meth. Don't burn flags - it's disrespectful and two wrongs don't make a right. Don't cause others to worry about their security - you know how much YOU don't like being insecure. Don't shout and wave guns in the street - that's how people get killed and those images on TV just make you seem C. R. A. Z. Y. And no one pays attention to crazy people.

What are the other ways of protesting, you ask? Write pointed letters to the editor of papers who published the cartoons. They'll get published. Demand the firing of the artist. Don't complain to your government, rather meet with the Ambassador in your country and express your disappointment. There's a system in place for this sort of thing - use it. But remember that we have freedom of the press here and we value it.

While on the topic of fundamentalism, I should say a few words about other kinds. Fundamentalism of all kinds seeks to do one thing - change the system to their advantage without the consent of the citizenry. Look at the US - Evangelicals are 70 million down there - hardly a majority. Yet these fundamentalists have had huge influence on everything from foreign policy and judicial appointees to marriage to death support to what age kids can start having sex with each other.

Forcing opinions on others is BAD. Progress is GOOD.

Tralalalala, that's it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

On Valentines Day historical context...

St. Valentinus, better known as St. Valentine was a Roman priest in the third century. At that time, the emperor, Claudius II, didn't want any of his young men to get married or have children because he thought it would make them better soldiers. Well, St. Valentine defied Claudius II's law and performed secret marriages to young couples in love. In time he was caught, jailed, and put to death. But before he died, Valentine himself met a woman, and fell in love with his jailer's daughter. He sent her notes, which he signed "From your Valentine", a practice of course, which lives on today.

On "finger painting" reference...

That's a line from the movie The Cutting Edge right?


11:53 AM  
Blogger WitMistress said...

Yes, it's from the Cutting Edge. I'm astounded you knew that.

Also, that's nice about Valentine. Or not so nice, depending on who you are. Rory didn't lie!

1:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

St. Valentine was real, and the day is fine, but it is truly and assuredly now a CRAZY MADE UP DAY! Nobody ever really celebrated this day and I still don't know how Snoopy wearing shades while handing out purple hearts is celebrating the beheading of a midieval bad-ass who peformed those secret marriages?

As for fundamentalists, couldn't agree more. There's no reason to fit the cliché you are so upset about. Now, that said, in the name of being better than those we wish to admonish, the responsible thing to do is NOT publish the cartoons. Why? Well, freedom of the press is fine and if you want to find the cartoons, you can find the Danish paper that printed them. But if we're gonna try and smooth things over, shouldn't we take away the fuel for the fire? (Yes, mixing metaphors is good).
To print them in the name of "good journalism" (as Levant says) is hooey! It smacks of opportunism and not of being the champion of free speech he is claiming to be. Again, if Jesus was doing something horrible (say, goose-stepping) there's NO WAY they'd run that.

2:36 PM  
Blogger WitMistress said...

Celebrating love is celebrating St. Valentine. As with everything North American, it's possible we've gone overboard, but the point remains - tell the people you love that you love them in some material way! Hee!

As for the other, my point is that we shouldn't have to concern ourselves with expressing different sides of different religions, or someone's interpretations thereof. How many times have we said that suicide bombing or stoning women to death for having sex isn't in accordance with Islam? How many times have these sorts of statements been published? So what's the problem in illustrating that statement? Why has the fundamentalist world gone batshit crazy over a cartoon? (It strikes me as somewhat comedic everytime I hear "cartoon" mixed in with the seriousness of the's like freaking out because Scooby Doo smoked a joint...cartoons are meant to be funny and ironic).

The thing is that responding to an illustration in this manner is seriously flawed. It's not going to stop people from publishing them over and over again - in fact, and anyone could see this, it will likely push the scale the other way. I've been waiting for the Star to pick them up. I've seen editorial cartoons with God and Jesus saying goofy stuff to Bush. Just because Muslims aren't allowed to draw the face of Mohammed doesn't mean I can't. I'm about to get into a greater argument on organized religion, but I won't.

Welcome to the Clash of Civilizations (tm S. Huntington). Hang on, it's going to be a bumpy ride.

3:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look, I agree with your point in priciple. However, if they are going batshit crazy, as you call it, over it, why keep publishing it? If some angry pisseed off dude is in the street telling you to turn down your music, are you gonna turn it up, knowing it will piss him off further, just cause you can?
And just because Jesus is talking to Bush doesn't put him in the same position as the prophet Mohamed wearing a bomb on his head looking menacingly, especially when the whole world thinks you are all terrorists. It wouldn't be right to defame Jesus in the same manner as the editorial cartoons did to Mohamed.

If the cartoon had been about Mohamed throwing his arms up and saying "Is that really what I meant?" I think this thing would've gone away and maybe more agencies would've picked it up. But we're talking about a slur towards a religious icon in a time of unparrelled religious sensitivity. (Sure the middle ages was pretty rough, but they didn't have crazy chemical bombs back then).

9:02 AM  

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